Wednesday, December 15, 2010

BREAKING DAWN: Chapter 31-Talented

CHAPTER SUMMARY: Bella becomes even more Mary Sueish by gaining a super awesome super power that is super poweful thus making her even more special (even Renesmee says she's special), talk about Volturi powers that make no sense. Pretty much it.

Judging from the title, I'm betting that this is going to be another "lets all praise Bella!" chapter. If not Bella, then it'll be gushing about how awesome Renesmee is. I turn out to be kind of right because right away the Tanya and Eleazer take the time to praise Renesmee's talents and the Cullens as well. Then we learn that guess what! Now Bella has a gift too, guys! Of COURSE she does, never mind that these vampire gifts are supposed to be RARE. Turns out she shields or something and it is of course super powerful. Big shock.
Not only that, due to this, the Volturi's powers won't work on her! Excuse me? WHY? I swear to god, Meyer is literally making this up as she goes. She's not even pretending to try anymore. This of course turns to more "lets all praise Bella!" Even her daughter gets in on the action and says her mother is special. UGH.
So Bella begs to be trained. This somehow turns into more of Meyer's sloppy telling not showing about the Volturi and their methods. I have to say, the more I hear about these powers the less they make sense to me. I thought these powers were supposed to be a reflection of the person's strong trait when they were alive right? Well, what does Bella's shield have to do with anything? She wasn't exactly a protective person when she was alive. Well, not to anyone who wasn't a vampire. Plus, Eleazer's power which is to sense people's gifts (a deux es machina if I ever saw one). What human trait was that? Did he have a talent for spotting talent or something? This is all just further proof that these gifts are literally just convenience for Meyer and that there are no rules for them despite what she says.
This turns into boring backstory and then abruptly stops as company arrives. It's the help Alice and Jasper sent for. I'm sorry, they can get here in like a day from across an ocean but the Volturi take a MONTH? The time rules in this book make NO SENSE.

WORD LIST: macabre
GENERAL ANNOYANCES: oh look, Bella gets another awesome super power guys!
Could you stop crushing my radius?-Oh my god, Meyer, REALLY? Instead of just saying arm like everyone else you have to have them name a body part instead? Seriously? So stupid.

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